Dr. Ishan Weerakoon combines deep technical knowledge and extensive industry experience with patent law to add value to his clients’ U.S. and foreign patent portfolios.
Nixon Vanderhye Shareholder Dr. Ishan Weerakoon brings in-depth understanding of computer and electronics disciplines to his practice. He prepares and prosecutes patent applications, provides patent validity and infringement opinions, performs intellectual property due diligence and patent portfolio evaluations, and assists in inter partes reviews and patent litigations.
Ishan, who holds a Ph.D. in computer science, held a number of engineering and research positions in the communications and networking industry at large corporations (IBM Networking Hardware Division, Hughes Network Systems, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics Robotics Systems) as well as at a telecom network equipment/services startup before deciding to pursue a career in the law. This experience included work related to software-defined radio and satellite networking applications; network routing and application metering hardware and software for wireless networks; network and database systems; and consumer electronic devices for broadband services.
Ishan is the co-inventor on five U.S. patents in areas of telecommunications and computer networks, for work done during his time in the tech industry.
Ishan has authored or co-authored many articles on communication networks and network protocols that have been published in technical journals or presented at conferences. A former member of the Journal of High Speed Networks editorial board, he also taught college-level classes and led industry training on computer and telecommunications topics.
Before joining Nixon Vanderhye in 2013, Ishan spent about five years as an attorney at a prominent IP law firm in Washington, D.C.
In the patent arena, Ishan’s work encompasses a wide variety of technologies, including:
- Processor Design
- Graphics Processors
- Display Technology
- Multiprocessor Systems
- Chemical Particle Detectors
- Robotic Systems
- Data Mining and Retrieval
- Air Traffic Control Systems
- Backup Systems
- Digital Storage Devices
- Medical Devices
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Video Coding
- Image Processing, Analysis, and 3-D Imagery Systems
- Memory Systems
- Telecom and Network Protocols and Equipment
- Network Traffic Management
- Computer System and Network Security
- Cryptographic systems
- Computer System and Network Simulation
- Location-based Services
- Electronic Commerce Systems
- Electronic Trading Systems
- Web-based Applications
- Embedded Systems
- Software and Business Methods
- Artificial Intelligence and Neural networks
- Video Game Systems
- Consumer Electronic Devices
- Autonomous Systems
- Blockchain
- Internet of Things
- Social Networking
- Cyber security

- District of Columbia
- Maryland
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

- J.D., Georgetown University Law Center , 2007
- Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 1998
- M.S. in Computer Science, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 1995
- B.S. in Computer Science and Information Systems, magna cum laude, Mansfield University, 1992

- American Intellectual Property Law Association
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

- 7,450,914 “Method and Apparatus for Allocating Data Communications Resources in a Satellite Communications Network,” A. Valdivia, R. Gopal, and I. Weerakoon.
- 7,889,743 “Information Dissemination Method and System Having Minimal Network Bandwidth Utilization,” S. Evans, H. Tomlinson, P. Liu, and I. Weerakoon.
- 7,720,065 “Method and Apparatus for Biasing of Network Node Packet Prioritization Based on Packet Content,” P. Liu, S. Evans, and I. Weerakoon.
- 8,315,241 “Method and Apparatus for Providing Quality of Service in Wireless Networks and Sensor Networks,” S. Iyer, S. Evans, H. Tomlinson, B. Deb, G. Kuthethoor, and I. Weerakoon.
- 8,582,491 “Method and Apparatus for Routing Communications Using Active and Passive End-to-End Quality of Service Reservations Based on Node Mobility Profiles,” I. Weerakoon, M. Ngan, S. Iyer, G. Kuthethoor, and P. Sesha.
- 7,778,265 “Method and Apparatus for Local Adaptive Provisioning at a Node,” S. Evans, P. Liu, T.S. Markham, I. Weerakoon, and S. Dolinsky.

- Co-Author, “Innovating to Secure The Grid,” Metering International Magazine, June 27, 2011.
- Co-Author, “Simulation of the Awerbuch-Peleg and GSM Schemes for Location Tracking,” International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 14, Issue 1, 2001.
- Co-Author, “Properties of Regional Hierarchies in the Awerbuch-Peleg Scheme for Location Tracking,” ACM/Baltzer Journal of Wireless Networks, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 2000.

- Co-Author, “Advanced Resource Reservations for QoS in Airborne Tactical Networks,” Military Communications Conference MILCOM 2007, Orlando, Florida.
- Co-Author, “Models for Network Services in Airborne Tactical Networks,” MILCOM 2007, Orlando, Florida.
- Co-Author, “Multimedia QoS through Content Aware Triage: An Integrated DiffServ Framework,” MILCOM 2007, Orlando, Florida.
- Co-Author, “Network Quality of Service Through Local Adaptive Provisioning (LAP),” MILCOM 2007, Orlando, Florida.
- Co-Author, “Adaptive Statistical QoS: Learning Parameters to Maximize End-to-End Network Good-Put,” MILCOM 2006, Washington D.C..
- Co-Author, “Quantifying Bandwidth Gain of Triage QoS Protocol and Mobility Effects,” MILCOM 2006, Washington, D.C..
- Co-Author, “Modeling and Simulation of End-to-End QoS through Distress Biased Differentiated Services in OPNET,” Opnetworks 2005, Washington, D.C.
- Co-Author, “End-to-End QoS Through Distress Biased Differentiated Services: A Triage Approach,” MILCOM 2005, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
- Co-Author, “A Distributed Simulation Testbed for Evaluating Signaling and Mobility in Networks,” IASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Philadelphia, June 1999.
- Co-Author, “GQG: A Graphical Query Generator,” 16th Annual International Computer Science Conference of the Association of Management, San Diego, August 1998.
- Co-Author, “Secure Agents for Network Monitoring,” 16th Annual International Computer Science Conference of the Association of Management, San Diego, August 1998.
- Co-Author, “A Scalable Location Tracking and Message Delivery System for Mobile Agents,” 7th IEEE Int’l Conference on Enabling Technologies, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, June 1998.
- Co-Author, “Distributed Simulation of Location Tracking Schemes,” Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Arlington, Virginia, July 1997.
- Co-Author, “An Advanced Network Simulation Tool,” Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Arlington, Virginia, July 1997.